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Interviews With Brilliant Fan Podcasts Covering Miami Dolphins: Part Four

This is the conclusion of the series of interviews with hosts of Miami Dolphins fan podcasts.

In this final article of interviews with hosts of Miami Dolphins fan podcasts, Dolphinatics interviews Charlie Touché and Kadeem Simmonds of Go Time Dolphins.

Miami Dolphins Fan Podcasts Interviews: Part Four

Go Time Dolphins

Charlie Touché and Kadeem Simmonds talk about what it’s like to host Go Time Dolphins. The podcast, Go Time Dolphins can be found on YouTube and all streaming platforms.

Dolphinatics: What is your name or preferred nickname? Charlie: Charlie Touché.

Kadeem: Kadeem. I’m totally fine with being called K or Kadz.

Dolphinatics: What is the name of the podcast that you host or co-host? Charlie: Go Time Dolphins.

Kadeem: I co-host the Go Time Dolphins podcast.

Dolphinatics: When did the podcast start? Charlie: Two football seasons ago. This will be the third football season. It’s been going since September of 2020.

Kadeem: Three years in September.

Dolphinatics: Do you have a regular co-host on your podcast? Charlie: Yes, Kadeem Simmonds.

Kadeem: It’s me and the host of the show, Charlie Touché.

Dolphinatics: Do you have guests on the show? Charlie: Yes.

Kadeem: We have a few regulars. A Dolphins fan called ShareRide Steve appears a few times a season as does 5 Yard Lee. He is on the Miami Dolphins UK pod Dol-Fan UK.

Dolphinatics: Who is your most memorable guest? Charlie: Myles Gaskin, because he was the first active Miami Dolphins on the podcast. He felt like a genuine friend.

Kadeem: It’s hard to look past Jevon Holland and Myles Gaskin. Both take the prize for the most memorable guest.

Dolphinatics: How did the podcast start? Charlie: A relative was saying for years that I should start a podcast. When we did decide to start it, Kadeem called and said we should start it right now.

Kadeem: Charlie and I met in London before the Dolphins and Saints game in 2017 and we stayed in contact. Charlie said that he was going to start a pod with a friend, and I said that I would support it. The friend wasn’t able to do it, so Charlie asked me if I would do it. After working out when to start, we launched Go Time Dolphins.

Dolphinatics: What has been the most exciting moment on the podcast? Charlie: Jevon Holland imitating a British accent.

Kadeem: Interviewing Jevon Holland and Myles Gaskin.

Dolphinatics: How long have you been a Miami Dolphins fan? Charlie: For 39 years, since I was born. I grew up across the street from the stadium and sat on the roof and watched the game from the jumbotron.

Kadeem: I became a Miami Dolphins fan in 2014 after becoming a casual NFL fan. I would stay up for the Super Bowl and then have the NFL hype for a few months. I got Madden 25 on the PS4 in 2014 and really got into the sport. I decided on a team, the Miami Dolphins because of the uniforms. I’ve been an avid fan ever since.

Dolphinatics: What message do you want to relay to your listeners? Charlie: That it’s OK to have positive hope for the team and not to be so negative.

Kadeem: We want listeners to get involved as much as possible. We are always welcoming to those who want to hop on and record a show with us. We are just two Miami Dolphins fans that love talking about the sport. Go Time Dolphins is by the fans and for the fans. Without the fans, we are nothing.

Dolphinatics: What do you like best about doing the podcast? Charlie: I get to do it with a friend I met because of the Miami Dolphins. And I get to do it with other fans.

Kadeem: Being able to talk about the team I love. Even if people disagree with my opinion, I feel privileged to have a platform to air my opinions.

Dolphinatics: What goes into making the podcast? Charlie: There is zero preparation. It’s always improvised.

Kadeem: Not much to be honest. Charlie and I will have a rough idea about what we want to discuss. It’s never scripted. We can say what we want to talk about beforehand, but if the conversation steers down a different road, we stay on that topic. In terms of time, it’s mostly the upload. An hour episode doesn’t take that long to edit since we rarely cut out our mistakes.

Dolphinatics: What is the worst moment that you experienced on the podcast? Charlie: I can’t think of any.

Kadeem: I honestly don’t have one. If I’ve said anything stupid, I’ve owned it. So far, we haven’t done anything to get anyone in trouble.

Dolphinatics: What is it like working with your co-host? Charlie: I’m more positive. He’s more negative. It’s definitely not equal. It’s like arguing with my kids and I don’t have any kids.

Kadeem: I wouldn’t record this show without Charlie. There have been episodes we’ve done without each other, but that has only been because of Covid. Charlie and I are legitimate friends off the air, so it is amazing. I’m the negative one and Charlie is the positive one. That balance works.

Dolphinatics: What has been the best episode you think there was on the podcast? Charlie: That is a tough one. I would say Myles Gaskin, Jevon Holland, or when there was uncontrollable laughter with my co-host on the episode.

Kadeem: That’s a hard question. There have been episodes where Charlie and I have argued, and it made an excellent episode. There was an episode where I went on strike and Charlie called three people to replace me, including my own sister. The Myles Gaskin and Jevon Holland episodes are good episodes. I am disappointed the Jevon Holland episode didn’t get more views than what it did.

Dolphinatics: How do you feel about the upcoming Miami Dolphins 2022 season? Charlie: We’re going to go deep in the playoffs. I’m very optimistic.

Kadeem: I feel pessimistically optimistic and yes that is a thing. I believe the Dolphins can get more than 12 wins but it’s the Dolphins and I’ve been conditioned for the worst. So, it’s anywhere between eight and fourteen wins for me.

Dolphinatics: Where can they find your podcast? Charlie: On YouTube and all streaming platforms.

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