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Fan Podcast Interviews With Brilliant Hosts Covering Miami Dolphins: Part Three

Dolphinatics has been featuring fan podcasts in a series of interviews as this article continues that series.

The series of interviews continues with hosts of their own fan podcasts covering the Miami Dolphins in part three of part one and part two of this series. In this article on the series of interviews, The Fins Talk Network is featured. Bobby Melendez and Fish Tank Hank discuss their podcasts. Bobby and Hank are both hosts on Fins Talk Today while Bobby also hosts Fins Talk Overtime.

Part Three Of Interviews With Miami Dolphins Fan Podcasts

Fins Talk Network/Fins Talk Today and Fins Talk Overtime

Dolphinatics is covering two hosts of the Fins Talk Network today in the series of the Miami Dolphins fan podcast interviews. The hosts are Bobby Melendez and Fish Tank Hank.

Dolphinatics: What is your name or preferred nickname? Bobby: Bobby Melendez.

Fish Tank Hank: Fish Tank Hank.

Dolphinatics: What is the name of the podcast you host or co-host? Bobby: I host two podcasts that cover the Miami Dolphins, which are part of The Fins Talk Network. They are Fins Talk Today and Fins Talk Overtime.

Fish Tank Hank: Fins Talk Today.

Dolphinatics: How long has the podcast been running? Bobby: Fins Talk Today has been going for over a year and Overtime has been going for about six months.

Fish Tank Hank: One year for Fish Talk Today.

Dolphinatics: Do you have a co-host or is it just you? Bobby: For Fins Talk Today my co-host is Fish Tank Hank. For Fins Talk Overtime my co-host is college football guru Brett LaGasse.

Fish Tank Hank: I co-host with Bobby Melendez.

Dolphinatics: Do you have regular guests on your show? Bobby: Yes, on Overtime. We like to have different guests each week, whether that’s fellow Dolfans or fellow podcasters.

Fish Tank Hank: No, not on Fish Talk Today.

Dolphinatics: Who is your most memorable guest? Bobby: All of the guests have been great and memorable. But probably the most memorable has either been Miss Phins or TD Phins Talk.

Fish Tank Hank left this answer to his co-host.

Dolphinatics: How did the podcast start? Bobby: I started Fish Talk Today over a year ago as a solo act. I decided to add a co-host and found a great one in Hank. I wanted to do a podcast that was different than what was currently available to Dolfans. I wanted us to be true Dolfans and be able to interact with our viewers with fun and engaging topics for everyone to enjoy.

Fish Tank Hank: It started as a mutual interest with doing something Miami Dolphins.

Dolphinatics: How long have you been a Miami Dolphins fan? Bobby: My whole life, growing up in Hialeah, Florida. I was introduced to the Fins by my stepfather, Ralph and I’ve watched every game, screaming at the top of my lungs, win, lose or draw. In our home it was truly faith, family, and football.

Fish Tank Hank: Since 1966. I was born into a Dolphins family.

Dolphinatics: What has been the most exciting moment on the podcast? Fish Tank Hank: Going back and forth with views and comments can be very funny.

Bobby left this question to be answered by Fish Tank Hank.

Dolphinatics: What do you like about doing the podcast? Bobby: Getting to meet and talk with Dolfans all over the world. We get to talk about the greatest football team.

Fish Tank Hank: Getting to interact with the listeners.

Dolphinatics: What message do you want to relay to your listeners? Fish Tank Hank: Having fun! Getting to discuss trivia, weekly content, and just so the listeners can enjoy themselves.

Bobby left this question to be answered by Fish Tank Hank.

Dolphinatics: What goes into making the podcast? Bobby: It’s a lot of work to prep for an episode. It’s creating an outline of topics to discuss and then sharing them with my co-hosts and our guests. It’s trying to be unique and different than what others are doing out there. I have to make sure the podcast is good and attractive to our listeners and viewers. Both of the podcasts are live, so I can interact with the audience in real time. That means the commentary is unfiltered.

Fish Tank Hank: It’s a basic outline. Bobby usually does the outline. The show usually lasts about 30 minutes.

Dolphinatics: What has been the worst moment on your podcast? Fish Tank Hank: Eating crow when the Dolphins lost seven in a row.

This question was answered by Fish Tank Hank.

Dolphinatics: What is it like working with your co-host? Bobby: On Fins Talk Today, Fish Tank Hank may come across as being more positive, where I could be more negative. But in reality, Hank could be labeled a homer where I could be labeled a realist. But the truth is, no matter what, we are both loyal and diehard Miami Dolphins fans.

Fish Tank Hank: Bobby keeps us moving. I’m the time pusher. I would say I’m the homer, the more positive one. Bobby and I have a great chemistry.

Dolphinatics: How do you feel about the upcoming Miami Dolphins 2022 season? Bobby: I am cautiously optimistic about the season. But I am also excited about the potential for the Miami Dolphins to not only get to the playoffs but win there as well.

Fish Tank Hank: It’s exciting times for Miami and the Dolphins fans. I’m exciting about the Dolphins to get on the field and stomp some teams’ butts for doubting.

Dolphinatics: Where can people find your podcast? Bobby: Here is the link on YouTube: Fins Talk Network – YouTube.

Dolphinatics concludes its series of interviews with fan podcasts that cover the Miami Dolphins in the next article, which will feature Charlie Touche and Kadeem Simmonds of Go Time Dolphins.

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