New Card To Be Introduced Into Football Across The World
In November 2023, Football lawmakers announced that there would be measures to improve the respect of match officials and also the behavior of the players. The idea is to have players get a temporary dismissal from the game if they do not respect the official or if they’re behavior is unwarranted.
These temporary dismissals have been implemented in the lower divisions of football since the 2019-2020 season, with positive results coming out of the tests. In these lower leagues, if a player disrespected the officials at any point in the match, they would receive a 10-minute dismissal from the field. The football lawmakers now want to start testing these measures on the high-level leagues for 12 months to see if they can work. If the testing works within those high-level leagues, then by the 2026-2027 season at the earliest, the most competitive leagues such as the Premier League, La Liga, Serie A, and Champion League will be able to implement these rules.
Players will receive a blue card instead of a yellow or red card if the offense they have committed disrespects the officials in any way. If a player is to receive a second blue card, then the player will end up getting a red card and be dismissed from the game entirely. If this blue card is introduced it would be the first time a new card has been added to the sport of football since the yellow and red cards were introduced for the 1970 World Cup.
Fans seem conflicted on whether this new rule will help the game improve, or if it will just ruin the game instead. Some fans believe that this is a step forward in the wrong direction, and might cause the game to become boring and less exciting/entertaining.
FIFA has confirmed that the testing of the blue card will not take place in any elite-level football as of this moment. It also stated that the blue card will be largely discussed in the IFAB’s (International Football Board) annual general meeting on March 2nd. This is where the governing bodies of the sport will be able to properly discuss the testing of this blue card, and also the best way forward with these new rules.
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