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Deshaun Watson: Who Are We To Judge In 2022?

I am not here to say if this man is guilty or not guilty or judge the man with incomplete information. I am not the person who gets to decide what happens to Deshaun Watson and if he gets suspended or not, and neither are you. We are not those massage therapists, we are not the judge, the grand juries, or the National Football League. We are football fans, and 99% of us cannot put our team biases aside to think clearly about this situation.

Regardless of whether your bias is born from football, racial, or other situations, it is unfair to declare the man guilty or not guilty based on the information we know, because we were not there. In 2022 everyone wants to be “ the first” to call something out or proclaim its innocence, and every time half of us look ridiculous. To base your rushed decision on what is likely half of the information is outrageous.

The court of public opinion is certainly a crazy one, as you will never truly change a stubborn person and their mindset. Some people have already decided he was guilty, and some have already decided he is not guilty. No matter the case and the outcome, there is also the pending suspension by the National Football League that may or may not once again sway people’s opinions on the situation. Now as we all know there are three sides to every story, person one, person two, and the truth, and while we never know the full truth, a lot has come to light during the last year and with every new development in this ongoing saga.

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What We Know About The Deshaun Watson Case

Since trading for Deshaun Watson, the Cleveland Browns became the face of media scrutiny in the National Football League. However, after recent developments, like what came out on Wednesday afternoon, things may be going in a different direction. It was revealed on Wednesday that the Houston Texans were dropping Non-Disclosure Agreements into Watson’s lap and providing him with hotel rooms and whatever else he needed for his massage appointments. Tony Buzbee, who is the attorney for the 24 women who have filed civil lawsuits against the Cleveland Browns quarterback, also revealed that he was adding the National Football League and the Houston Texans to his lawsuit.

The Houston Police Department said that the head of security for the Houston Texans organization and a spa located in Texas, along with a hotel all played a part in where Deshaun Watson would receive meet these masseuses. Often times the media manipulates numbers to make them seem bigger than they really are and that is the case with the new report that Deshaun Watson met with at least sixty-six different women over the span of seventeen months. When broken down that averages out to less than one masseuse a week.

Earlier this year two grand juries in Texas declined to file criminal charges against the former Houston Texans, and current Cleveland Browns quarterback. In the eyes of the law, they do not see Deshaun Watson as a criminal, and once again we are not the ones who get to decide if that is the correct decision or not. All I am asking is for everyone to put their mindsets and biases aside and stop declaring someone innocent or guilty before we have all the facts and information. If the Johnny Depp vs Amber Heard situation taught us anything, then it should have been to not be too quick to judge and convict.

We as a collective group should be better, and less judgemental and that is absolutely something that can be applied to our everyday lives. Deshaun Watson is just as much a person as the rest of us and deserves the exact same amount of respect.

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